The first time I watched this video about a South African woman who knits warm things for babies she’s never met, I was moved by the power of her voice to speak to what matters.

The second time I watched it, I caught the meaning of the three words that title this post.

Peggy, an 83-year-old woman in South Africa and the subject of the video, exudes all sorts of energy and wisdom in a quirky and thoroughly charming way. One might be moved to tears by what she says and does, even without the hint that there is some invisible group of wonderful people who help her do what she does.

Like the wool that she uses to knit her gifts (wool which she never buys), there are any number of kindnesses that are spoken and shown to our students and colleagues that move the needle in terms of what we craft in our work in schools.

Take a minute to know that like Peggy, you will be remembered. You will be remembered for everything you do that touches the lives of others and helps them see possibilities they wouldn’t have seen had they not met you.

And how do you do it? In no small way, through the kindnesses that just arrive.

image credit: screen shot from Purls of Wisdom by Green Renaissance on YouTube


1 Comment

Carla Stoner · September 2, 2019 at 10:48 am

This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!

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