There is something about great animated stories that allow us to work with our feelings in ways sometimes different than seeing footage of actual people.
This award-winning story is called Umbrella, and it’s a reminder that we don’t and can’t know all the stories behind why students act the way they do.
However, as I wrote about in a book several years ago, if we keep a clear sense of our lack of omniscience, we might be able to support a child at a time it is most needed.
This video runs a little under eight minutes, and is well worth your time. Have a tissue close by.
I’ll share this one in the March issue of Next Vista’s newsletter. If you missed my February one, click to take in all the goodies I assembled for you.
The book I referenced is Making Your Teaching Something Special. Please give it a look!
divider image credit: birds minimal by Photos_kast from Pixabay (license)